
Some trouble at our datacenter

In case you were trying to access our systems last night around midnight (eastern time), you probably did receive an error message about a proxy error or an unreachable host. That's because our hoster did suddenly have problems with their uninterruptible power supplies at some of their racks, requiring them to power off some machines and repair the problem. While this lasted around 2 hours, it took our automated recovery processes another 2 hours to get all systems back up and running again.

We apologize for this inconvenience, though we hope with the new UPS at our datacenter there won't be such issues anymore.


German services down

Due to hardware issues at some of our servers, some of our German services are currently offline. Our system administrators are doing their best to get the machines up and running again as fast as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience this is causing.

What a Sunday....

Yesterday, around 7 p.m. EDT on Sunday, we started having some problems with our database servers. For some reason, we had log files growing enormously within minutes, clogging our hard drives. Once our monitoring team discovered those issues they quickly jumped onto the boxes, yet it took some time to resolve those issues (what a bad coincidence - we had some networking problems during that time as well....). Once resolved, we had to power up all our services, including 21publish.com and 21classes.com. In the end, we were down for more than 6 hours.

We apologize for this inconvenience, and we're still investigating what exactly caused those problems. I'm sorry you couldn't access our services during that time, but I assure you we're doing our best this won't happen again.


Network outage at our hosting center

This morning around 3:20 a.m. EDT we had a network failure at our hosting center which lasted around 90 minutes. During this time none of our services could be reached. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused, and are investigating the cause of this failure.

If you're interested in any details, please leave a comment.