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Some updates for your communities

We have just introduced a couple of improvements to your BlogPortals. As of now, you'll find a large number of new photoblog layouts available for your members. They now look similar to the existing weblog layouts, so your members can choose a photoblog layout matching their weblog layout. Also, navigation within the photoblog layouts has been improved.

In addition, we have now added tagging functionality. Once you enable this feature, your members can add tags to their postings. Each entry then displays those tags (if they were entered), and you can view all entries for a specific tag. For paid portals, you can even enable a tag cloud, which displays the most frequently being used tags on the portal homepage.

And finally, you can now enable or disable a portal-wide search. For free portals, visitors can now search for members within your community, while on paid portals even a fulltext search is provided. You can enable or disable this feature in your member blog settings.

Have fun blogging!